Your attention didn’t collapse. It was stolen

Illustration of a man with blinkers on surrounded by social media logos
Illustration by Eric Chow.

Social media and many other facets of modern life are destroying our ability to concentrate. We need to reclaim our minds while we still can
Johann Hari

When he was nine years old, my godson Adam developed a brief but freakishly intense obsession with Elvis Presley. He took to singing Jailhouse Rock at the top of his voice with all the low crooning and pelvis-jiggling of the King himself. One day, as I tucked him in, he looked at me very earnestly and asked: “Johann, will you take me to Graceland one day?” Without really thinking, I agreed. I never gave it another thought, until everything had gone wrong.

Ten years later, Adam was lost. He had dropped out of school when he was 15, and he spent almost all his waking hours alternating blankly between screens – a blur of YouTube, WhatsApp and porn. (I’ve changed his name and some minor details to preserve his privacy.) He seemed to be whirring at the speed of Snapchat, and nothing still or serious could gain any traction in his mind. During the decade in which Adam had become a man, this fracturing seemed to be happening to many of us. Our ability to pay attention was cracking and breaking. I had just turned 40, and wherever my generation gathered, we would lament our lost capacity for concentration. I still read a lot of books, but with each year that passed, it felt more and more like running up a down escalator. Then one evening, as we lay on my sofa, each staring at our own ceaselessly shrieking screens, I looked at him and felt a low dread. “Adam,” I said softly, “let’s go to Graceland.” I reminded him of the promise I had made. I could see that the idea of breaking this numbing routine ignited something in him, but I told him there was one condition he had to stick to if we went. He had to switch his phone off during the day. He swore he would.

When you arrive at the gates of Graceland, there is no longer a human being whose job is to show you around. You are handed an iPad, you put in little earbuds, and the iPad tells you what to do – turn left; turn right; walk forward. In each room, a photograph of where you are appears on the screen, while a narrator describes it. So as we walked around we were surrounded by blank-faced people, looking almost all the time at their screens. As we walked, I felt more and more tense. When we got to the jungle room – Elvis’s favourite place in the mansion – the iPad was chattering away when a middle-aged man standing next to me turned to say something to his wife. In front of us, I could see the large fake plants that Elvis had bought to turn this room into his own artificial jungle. “Honey,” he said, “this is amazing. Look.” He waved the iPad in her direction, and began to move his finger across it. “If you swipe left, you can see the jungle room to the left. And if you swipe right, you can see the jungle room to the right.”

If you read your texts while working, you lose that time, but also the time it takes to refocus afterwards, which is a lot

His wife stared, smiled, and began to swipe at her own iPad. I leaned forward. “But, sir,” I said, “there’s an old-fashioned form of swiping you can do. It’s called turning your head. Because we’re here. We’re in the jungle room. You can see it unmediated. Here. Look.” I waved my hand, and the fake green leaves rustled a little. Their eyes returned to their screens. “Look!” I said. “Don’t you see? We’re actually there. There’s no need for your screen. We are in the jungle room.” They hurried away. I turned to Adam, ready to laugh about it all – but he was in a corner, holding his phone under his jacket, flicking through Snapchat.

At every stage in the trip, he had broken his promise. When the plane first touched down in New Orleans two weeks before, he took out his phone while we were still in our seats. “You promised not to use it,” I said. He replied: “I meant I wouldn’t make phone calls. I can’t not use Snapchat and texting, obviously.” He said this with baffled honesty, as though I had asked him to hold his breath for 10 days. In the jungle room, I suddenly snapped and tried to wrestle his phone from his grasp, and he stomped away. That night I found him in the Heartbreak Hotel, sitting next to a swimming pool (shaped like a giant guitar), looking sad. I realised as I sat with him that, as with so much anger, my rage towards him was really anger towards myself. His inability to focus was something I felt happening to me too. I was losing my ability to be present, and I hated it. “I know something’s wrong,” Adam said, holding his phone tightly in his hand. “But I have no idea how to fix it.” Then he went back to texting.
Johann Hari at his home in London.
Johann Hari at his home in London. Photograph: Antonio Olmos/The Observer

I realised then that I needed to understand what was really happening to him and to so many of us. That moment turned out to be the start of a journey that transformed how I think about attention. I travelled all over the world in the next three years, from Miami to Moscow to Melbourne, interviewing the leading experts in the world about focus. What I learned persuaded me that we are not now facing simply a normal anxiety about attention, of the kind every generation goes through as it ages. We are living in a serious attention crisis – one with huge implications for how we live. I learned there are twelve factors that have been proven to reduce people’s ability to pay attention and that many of these factors have been rising in the past few decades – sometimes dramatically.

I went to Portland, Oregon, to interview Prof Joel Nigg, who is one of the leading experts in the world on children’s attention problems, and he told me we need to ask if we are now developing “an attentional pathogenic culture” – an environment in which sustained and deep focus is harder for all of us. When I asked him what he would do if he was in charge of our culture and he actually wanted to destroy people’s attention, he said: “Probably what our society is doing.” Prof Barbara Demeneix, a leading French scientist who has studied some key factors that can disrupt attention, told me bluntly: “There is no way we can have a normal brain today.” We can see the effects all around us. A small study of college students found they now only focus on any one task for 65 seconds. A different study of office workers found they only focus on average for three minutes. This isn’t happening because we all individually became weak-willed. Your focus didn’t collapse. It was stolen.

When I first got back from Graceland, I thought my attention was failing because I wasn’t strong enough as an individual and because I had been taken over by my phone. I went into a spiral of negative thoughts, reproaching myself. I’d say – you’re weak, you’re lazy, you’re not disciplined enough. I thought the solution was obvious: be more disciplined, and banish your phone. So I went online and booked myself a little room by the beach in Provincetown, at the tip of Cape Cod. I announced triumphantly to everyone – I am going to be there for three months, with no smartphone, and no computer that can get online. I’m done. I’m tired of being wired. I knew I could only do it because I was very lucky and had money from my previous books. I knew it couldn’t be a long-term solution. I did it because I thought that if I didn’t, I might lose some crucial aspects of my ability to think deeply. I also hoped that if I stripped everything back for a time, I might start to be able to glimpse the changes we could all make in a more sustainable way.

In my first webless week, I stumbled around in a haze of decompression. Provincetown is a little gay resort town with the highest proportion of same-sex couples in the US. I ate cupcakes, read books, talked with strangers and sang songs. Everything radically slowed down. Normally I follow the news every hour or so, getting a drip-feed of anxiety-provoking facts and trying to smush them together into some kind of sense. Instead, I simply read a physical newspaper once a day. Every few hours, I would feel an unfamiliar sensation gurgling inside me and I would ask myself: what is that? Ah, yes. Calm.

Later, I realised when I interviewed the experts and studied their research that there were many reasons why my attention was starting to heal from that first day. Prof Earl Miller, a neuroscientist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, explained one to me. He said “your brain can only produce one or two thoughts” in your conscious mind at once. That’s it. “We’re very, very single-minded.” We have “very limited cognitive capacity”. But we have fallen for an enormous delusion. The average teenager now believes they can follow six forms of media at the same time. When neuroscientists studied this, they found that when people believe they are doing several things at once, they are actually juggling. “They’re switching back and forth. They don’t notice the switching because their brain sort of papers it over to give a seamless experience of consciousness, but what they’re actually doing is switching and reconfiguring their brain moment-to-moment, task-to-task – [and] that comes with a cost.” Imagine, say, you are doing your tax return, and you receive a text, and you look at it – it’s only a glance, taking three seconds – and then you go back to your tax return. In that moment, “your brain has to reconfigure, when it goes from one task to another”, he said. You have to remember what you were doing before, and you have to remember what you thought about it. When this happens, the evidence shows that “your performance drops. You’re slower. All as a result of the switching.”

This is called the “switch-cost effect”. It means that if you check your texts while trying to work, you aren’t only losing the little bursts of time you spend looking at the texts themselves – you are also losing the time it takes to refocus afterwards, which turns out to be a huge amount. For example, one study at the Carnegie Mellon University’s human computer interaction lab took 136 students and got them to sit a test. Some of them had to have their phones switched off, and others had their phones on and received intermittent text messages. The students who received messages performed, on average, 20% worse. It seems to me that almost all of us are currently losing that 20% of our brainpower, almost all the time. Miller told me that as a result we now live in “a perfect storm of cognitive degradation”.

For the first time in a very long time, in Provincetown I was doing one thing at a time, without being interrupted. I was living within the limits of what my brain could actually handle. I felt my attention growing and improving with every day that passed, but then, one day, I experienced an abrupt setback. I was walking down the beach and every few steps I saw the same thing that had been scratching at me since Memphis. People seemed to be using Provincetown simply as a backdrop for selfies, rarely looking up, at the ocean or each other. Only this time, the itch I felt wasn’t to yell: You’re wasting your lives, put the damn phone down. It was to yell: Give me that phone! Mine! For so long, I had received the thin, insistent signals of the web every few hours throughout the day, the trickle of likes and comments that say: I see you. You matter. Now they were gone. Simone de Beauvoir said that when she became an atheist, it felt like the world had fallen silent. Losing the web felt like that. After the rhetorical heat of social media, ordinary social interactions seemed pleasing but low volume. No normal social interaction floods you with hearts.
Provincetown: a place to switch off.
Provincetown: a place to switch off. Photograph: Maddie Meyer/Getty Images

I realised that to heal my attention, it was not enough simply to strip out distractions. That makes you feel good at first – but then it creates a vacuum where all the noise was. I realised I had to fill the vacuum. To do that, I started to think a lot about an area of psychology I had learned about years before – the science of flow states. Almost everyone reading this will have experienced a flow state at some point. It’s when you are doing something meaningful to you, and you really get into it, and time falls away, and your ego seems to vanish, and you find yourself focusing deeply and effortlessly. Flow is the deepest form of attention human beings can offer. But how do we get there?

I later interviewed Prof Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in Claremont, California, who was the first scientist to study flow states and researched them for more than 40 years. From his research, I learned there are three key factors which you need to get into flow. First you need to choose one goal. Flow takes all your mental energy, deployed deliberately in one direction. Second, that goal needs to be meaningful to you – you can’t flow into a goal that you don’t care about. Third, it helps if what you are doing is at the edge of your abilities – if, say, the rock you are climbing is slightly higher and harder than the last rock you climbed. So every morning, I started to write – a different kind of writing from my earlier work, one that stretched me. Within a few days, I started to flow, and hours of focus would pass without it feeling like a challenge. I felt I was focusing in the way I had when I was a teenager, in long effortless stretches. I had feared my brain was breaking. I cried with relief when I realised that in the right circumstances, its full power could come back.

At the end of every day, I would sit on the beach and watch the light slowly change. The light on the cape is unlike the light anywhere else I have ever been and in Provincetown, I could see more clearly than I ever had before in my life – my own thoughts, my own goals, my own dreams. I was living in the light. So when the time came to leave the beach house and come back to the hyperlinked world, I became convinced I had cracked the code of attention. I returned to the world determined to integrate the lessons I had learned in my everyday life. When I was reunited with my phone and laptop after taking a ferry back to where they were stashed in Boston, they seemed alien, and alienating. But within a few months, my screen time was back to four hours a day, and my attention was fraying and breaking again.

In Moscow, the former Google engineer James Williams – who has become the most important philosopher of attention in the western world – told me I had made a crucial mistake. Individual abstinence is “not the solution, for the same reason that wearing a gas mask for two days a week outside isn’t the answer to pollution. It might, for a short period of time, keep certain effects at bay, but it’s not sustainable, and it doesn’t address the systemic issues.” He said that our attention is being deeply altered by huge invasive forces in wider society. Saying the solution was to just adjust your own habits – to pledge to break up with your phone, say – was just “pushing it back on to the individual” he said, when “it’s really the environmental changes that will really make the difference”.

Nigg said it might help me grasp what’s happening if we compare our rising attention problems to our rising obesity rates. Fifty years ago there was very little obesity, but today it is endemic in the western world. This is not because we suddenly became greedy or self-indulgent. He said: “Obesity is not a medical epidemic – it’s a social epidemic. We have bad food, for example, and so people are getting fat.” The way we live changed dramatically – our food supply changed, and we built cities that are hard to walk or cycle around, and those changes in our environment led to changes in our bodies. We gained mass, en masse. Something similar, he said, might be happening with the changes in our attention.

I learned that the factors harming our attention are not all immediately obvious. I had been focused on tech at first, but in fact the causes range very widely – from the food we eat to the air we breathe, from the hours we work to the hours we no longer sleep. They include many things we have come to take for granted – from how we deprive our children of play, to how our schools strip learning of meaning by basing everything on tests. I came to believe we need to respond to this incessant invasion of our attention at two levels. The first is individual. There are all sorts of changes we can make at a personal level that will protect our focus. I would say that by doing most of them, I have boosted my focus by about 20%. But we have to level with people. Those changes will only take you so far. At the moment it’s as though we are all having itching powder poured over us all day, and the people pouring the powder are saying: “You might want to learn to meditate. Then you wouldn’t scratch so much.” Meditation is a useful tool – but we actually need to stop the people who are pouring itching powder on us. We need to band together to take on the forces stealing our attention and take it back.
Illusration of a man with a magnet for a head pulling social media logos towards him
Illustration by Eric Chow.

This can sound a bit abstract – but I met people who were putting it into practice in many places. To give one example: there is strong scientific evidence that stress and exhaustion ruin your attention. Today, about 35% of workers feel they can never switch off their phones because their boss might email them at any time of day or night. In France, ordinary workers decided this was intolerable and pressured their government for change – so now, they have a legal “right to disconnect”. It’s simple. You have a right to defined work hours, and you have a right to not be contacted by your employer outside those hours. Companies that break the rules get huge fines. There are lots of potential collective changes like this that can restore part of our focus. We could, for example, force social media companies to abandon their current business model, which is specifically designed to invade our attention in order to keep us scrolling. There are alternative ways these sites could work – ones that would heal our attention instead of hacking it.

Some scientists say these worries about attention are a moral panic, comparable to the anxieties in the past about comic books or rap music, and that the evidence is shaky. Other scientists say the evidence is strong and these anxieties are like the early warnings about the obesity epidemic or the climate crisis in the 1970s. I think that given this uncertainty, we can’t wait for perfect evidence. We have to act based on a reasonable assessment of risk. If the people warning about the effects on our attention turn out to be wrong, and we still do what they suggest, what will be the cost? We will spend less time being harassed by our bosses, and we’ll be tracked and manipulated less by technology – along with lots of other improvements in our lives that are desirable in any case. But if they turn out to be right, and we don’t do what they say, what’s the cost? We will have – as the former Google engineer Tristan Harris told me – downgraded humanity, stripping us of our attention at the very time when we face big collective crises that require it more than ever.

But none of these changes will happen unless we fight for them. Just as the feminist movement reclaimed women’s right to their own bodies (and still has to fight for it today), I believe we now need an attention movement to reclaim our minds. I believe we need to act urgently, because this may be like the climate crisis, or the obesity crisis – the longer we wait, the harder it will get. The more our attention degrades, the harder it will be to summon the personal and political energy to take on the forces stealing our focus. The first step it requires is a shift in our consciousness. We need to stop blaming ourselves, or making only demands for tiny tweaks from our employers and from tech companies. We own our own minds – and together, we can take them back from the forces that are stealing them.

The above is an edited extract from Stolen Focus: Why You Can’t Pay Attention by Johann Hari, published by Bloomsbury on 6 January

Adding a broadband monitor to Weewx weather Station


Every time we have a spell of hot weather my broadband goes down the tubes. Last week it went from the normal no-very-good 16Mb down to to 2Mb when the mercury hit 30C. So, to investicate I need to build a system to monitor the outdoor temperature and broadband sync speed. I already have the former running on a Raspberry Pi, now I need to monitor the sync speed and integrate it with Weewx.

The Plan

Use FritzConnection to make a script to read the sync speed of my Fritz!Box.

Install the fritzconnection module for Python3 and check it works:

pi@PiWeewx:~ $sudo pip3 install fritzconnection
pi@PiWeewx:~ $ fritzstatus -i -p my_password

If all is well the above will give a comprehensive a summary of the router status.

Now we need to make an executable script by adding a sherbang line at the top: #!/usr/bin/env python and using chmod +x to modify the file permissions.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import time
from fritzconnection.lib.fritzstatus import FritzStatus
fStatus = FritzStatus(address='', password='xxxx??xxx')
while True:

Get the code running as a service that logs connection speed to a file

For this we use init.d. This requires a second script that controls the stopping and starting of the service. See this tutorial for details. My script looks like this:

#! /bin/sh
# /etc/init.d/fritzboxloggerd
# Provides: fritzboxloggerd
# Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog
# Required-Stop: $remote_fs $syslog
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
# Short-Description: start logging Router sync speed
# Description: Router sync speed is logged using the program

# Put any commands you always want to run here.
case "$1" in
echo "Star logging"
# run the program you want to start
python3 /home/pi/
echo "Stopping logging"
# end the program you want to stop
# (Effective but not very pretty)
echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/example {start|stop}"
exit 1

some mods to the script. See this article by Dexter Industries (who have some very good tips on working with Raspberry Pi computers.

Integrate it with Weewx using the FileParse example code.

Adding sensors to a RPi weather station

In the previous posts I set up a Raspberry Pi weather station using a USB radio reciever to pickup the data direct from the sensors. Unfortunately the pressure sensor is located in the base station rather than the outdoor sensors so I cant read it. As a work around I used a BME280 temperature/pressure sensor from Pimoroni.  Although Weewx is capable of running a service to poll the sensor, I found it simplest to grab a reading from the sensor into as the recieved packets are processed. The patch is in /usr/share/weewx/user/ First you will need to connect up the sensor and install the drivers. I found it useful to install drivers for both Python 2 and 3. You will also need to enable the i2c inteface for the pi. See the instructions on this page. You will need to run both sudo pip install ... and sudo pip3 install.... to get both versions.

Mods to

Near the start of, where the imports are defined, add code to import the smbus and bme280 libraries:

import time
## RWS - BME280 sensor with Pimoroni library
from smbus2 import SMBus
except ImportError:
from smbus import SMBus

After the section where various constants are added, include code to initialise the sensor:



# Initialise the BME280 in 'forced' mode
bus = SMBus(1)
bme280 = BME280(i2c_dev=bus)

Finally, locate the class that handles processing the packets for your sensor (in my case the Bresser6in1Packet.parse_json), add a line to append the sensor reading to the packet:

def parse_json(obj):
pkt = dict()
pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRICWX
pkt['station_id'] = obj.get('id')
pkt['battery'] = obj.get('battery_ok')
pkt['pressure'] = bme280.get_pressure()

You can of course add indoor temperature and humidity if you wish.

Raspberry pi Cheat Sheet

Unix cheat sheet.

See for a more comprehensive listing.

Display the name of the current working directory.
List the content of the current directory.
ls [path]
List the content of the specified directory.
ls -l
List the content of the current directory with additional information.
ls -a
List all files including hidden files beginning with ‘.’ (i.e. dotfiles).
cd [path]
Change the current directory to [path].
cd ..
Change to parent directory (note the space between ‘cd’ and ‘..’).
cd /
Change to root directory (note the space between ‘cd’ and ‘/’).
cd ~
Change to home directory (determined by $HOME environment variable).
mkdir [name]
Create the directory [name] in the current working directory.
rmdir [name]
Remove the empty directory [name] from the current working directory.
rm [name]
Remove the specified file.
rm *
Remove all the files from the current working directory.
rm -r *
Remove all the files and directories from the current working directory.
cp [from] [to]
Copy a file from source [from] to destination [to].
cp -r [from] [to]
Copy everything including directories from source [from] to destination [to].
mv [from] [to]
Move a file from source [from] to destination [to].
mv -r [from] [to]
Move everything including directories from source [from] to destination [to].
Search for files matching certain patterns.
sudo [command]
Superuser do. Execute [command] with elevated privileges. Allows you to do things you are not entitled to. Common examples include:
​sudo raspi-config
Launch the Raspberry Pi configuration tool.
sudo reboot
Safely restart your system.
sudo shutdown -h now
Safely shutdown your system now.
sudo apt-get ​install [package]
Install a package.
sudo apt-get update
Update the list of packages without installing anything.
sudo apt-get upgrade
Upgrade the installed packages to the versions obtained with ‘apt-get update’
sudo ​chown pi:root [name]
Change the owner of [name] to ‘pi’ and set the group to ‘root’.
sudo su
Become Superuser for more than one command.
sudo ku
cat [name]
Show the contents of a file.
head [name]
Show the beginning of a file.
tail [name]
Show the end of a file.
chmod [who][+,-,=][permissions] [name]
Change the permissions for a file.
chmod u+x [name]
Add execute permission for the owner of the file. Run the file with ./filename
chmod 777 [name]
Allow every user to read, write and execute the file [name].
tar -cvzf [name] [path]
Create compressed file [name] from the contents in [path].
tar -xvzf [name]
Extract the contents of a compressed file.
wget [uri]
Download a file from the Internet.
man [command]
Show the manual page for a command.
man man
View the manual page of the ‘man’ command.
grep ‘string’ [name]
Search inside one or more files for occurrences of ‘string’.

Oregon scientific and Bresser weather gauge

January 2021

Some notes on how I set up a weather station on a Raspberry Pi zero W using Weewxsoftware, SDR (a software defined radio USB dongle), an Oregon WMR89 and a Bresser 5in1 weather station. The Oregon unit transmits on 433Mhz and is fairly standard. The Bresser unit is newer and, as a result of recent charges in their protocol needs a bit more hacking to get it working.

Antenna lengths

The usb dongle is supplied with a short whip aerial. Its not very critical, but if you need max range, here is the theory.

1/4 wave dipole best when there is an earth plane. 1/2 wave is better when there is no earth plane. Figures below dont take account of speed of light in a wire is less than in a vacuum but none of it is critical.

433Mhz - 173mm for a 1/4 wave whip
868Mhz - 86.3mm


These notes cover both the Oregon WMR89 sensors and the new version Bresser 5-in-1 weather station.

Follow these instructions to install the modules on the RPi.

If using the Bresser sensors, make sure you install rtl_433 version 20.11 or later. Earlier versions may not parse Bresser 5in1 correctly. Most recent will handle the Oregon.

Testing rtl_433

Check radio signals being recieved and parsed by rtl_433. For the Bresser station you will need to to specify the frequency on the command line as operates at 868.2Mhz rather than the default 433Mhz for the OregonScientific. Note not all packets include temperature and humidity so be sure to examine a few!

sudo rtl_433 -F json -f 868.2M -s 1M
.....{"time" : "2021-01-15 16:14:34", "model" : "Bresser-6in1", "id" : 541070586, "channel" : 0, "battery_ok" : 1, "sensor_type" : 1, "wind_max_m_s" : 0.000, "wind_avg_m_s" : 0.000, "wind_dir_deg" : 270, "rain_mm" : 6.400, "mic" : "CRC"}

{"time" : "2021-01-15 16:14:46", "model" : "Bresser-6in1", "id" : 541070586, "channel" : 0, "battery_ok" : 1, "temperature_C" : 1.300, "humidity" : 87, "sensor_type" : 1, "wind_max_m_s" : 0.000, "wind_avg_m_s" : 0.000, "wind_dir_deg" : 270, "mic" : "CRC"}

{"time" : "2021-01-15 16:14:58", "model" : "Bresser-6in1", "id" : 541070586, "channel" : 0, "battery_ok" : 1, "sensor_type" : 1, "wind_max_m_s" : 0.000, "wind_avg_m_s" : 0.000, "wind_dir_deg" : 270, "rain_mm" : 6.400, "mic" : "CRC"}

{"time" : "2021-01-15 16:15:10", "model" : "Bresser-6in1", "id" : 541070586, "channel" : 0, "battery_ok" : 1, "temperature_C" : 1.300, "humidity" : 87, "sensor_type" : 1, "wind_max_m_s" : 0.000, "wind_avg_m_s" : 0.000, "wind_dir_deg" : 270, "mic" : "CRC"}

Modify for Bresser

The current version of /usr/share/weewx/user/ includes code to parse the Oregon WMR89 weather station, but not the current version of the Bresser n-in1. You need to add a class to parse the output and also add it to the list of data types in class PacketFactory(). Its very similar to the Bresser 5-in-1. If you cut and paste the code you will need to tidy up the tabs and indentation.

class Bresser6in1Packet(Packet):
# Includes newer versions of 5 in 1 as well as 6 in 1 and 7 in 1.
#{"time" : "2021-01-15 16:14:58", "model" : "Bresser-6in1", "id" : 541070586, "channel" : 0, "battery_ok" : 1, "sensor_type" : 1, "wind_max_m_s" : 0.000, "wind_avg_m_s" : 0.000, "wind_dir_deg" : 270, "rain_mm" : 6.400, "mic" : "CRC"}
#{"time" : "2021-01-15 16:15:10", "model" : "Bresser-6in1", "id" : 541070586, "channel" : 0, "battery_ok" : 1, "temperature_C" : 1.300, "humidity" : 87, "sensor_type" : 1, "wind_max_m_s" : 0.000, "wind_avg_m_s" : 0.000, "wind_dir_deg" : 270, "mic" : "CRC"}

IDENTIFIER = "Bresser-6in1"
def parse_json(obj):
pkt = dict()
pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRICWX
pkt['station_id'] = obj.get('id')
pkt['channel'] = obj.get('channel')
pkt['battery'] = obj.get('battery_ok')
pkt['sensor_type'] = obj.get('sensor_type')
# deal with different labels from rtl_433
for dst, src in [('temperature_C', 'temperature_C'),
('wind_speed', 'wind_avg_m_s'),
('gust_speed', 'wind_max_m_s'),
('rain_total', 'rainfall_mm'),
('rain_total', 'rain_mm'),
if src in obj:
pkt[dst] = Packet.get_float(obj,src)
return Bresser6in1Packet.insert_ids(pkt)

def insert_ids(pkt):
station_id = pkt.pop('station_id', '0000')
pkt = Packet.add_identifiers(pkt, station_id, Bresser6in1Packet.__name__)
return pkt
class PacketFactory(object):


Your command line to test with the Bresser station at the will look like:
sudo PYTHONPATH=/usr/share/weewx python3 /usr/share/weewx/user/ --cmd="rtl_433 -M utc -F json -f 868M"
The output will look something like this:

"time" : "2021-01-17 11:48:15",
"model" : "Bresser-6in1",
"id" : 541070586,
"channel" : 0,
"battery_ok" : 1,
"temperature_C" : 7.100,
"humidity" : 69,
"sensor_type" : 1,
"wind_max_m_s" : 3.000,
"wind_avg_m_s" : 2.900,
"wind_dir_deg" : 270,
"mic" : "CRC"

parsed: {
'dateTime': 1610884095, 'usUnits': 17,
'battery.541070586.Bresser6in1Packet': 1,
'temperature_C.541070586.Bresser6in1Packet': 7.1,
'humidity.541070586.Bresser6in1Packet': 69.0,
'wind_speed.541070586.Bresser6in1Packet': 2.9,
'gust_speed.541070586.Bresser6in1Packet': 3.0,
'wind_dir_deg.541070586.Bresser6in1Packet': 270.0

You can now edit weewx.conf to suit. Its located in


Here is my section for SDR. Commands for the Oregon WMR89 are commented out.

# This section is for the software-defined radio driver.

# The driver to use
driver = user.sdr
#cmd = rtl_433 -M utc -F json
cmd = rtl_433 -M utc -F json -f868.2M
path = /usr/local/bin/
log_unknown_sensors = True
log_unmapped_sensors = True

# Oregon WMR89
# windSpeed = wind_speed.0:215.OSWGR800Packet
# windGust = wind_gust.0:215.OSWGR800Packet
# windDir = wind_dir.0:215.OSWGR800Packet
# windBatteryStatus = battery.0:215.OSWGR800Packet
# outTemp = temperature.1:246.OSTHGR810Packet
# outHumidity = humidity.1:246.OSTHGR810Packet
# outTempBatteryStatus = battery.1:246.OSTHGR810Packet
# pressure = pressure.1:246.OSTHGR810Packet
# rainBatteryStatus = battery.0:122.OSPCR800Packet
# rainRate = rain_rate.0:122.OSPCR800Packet
# rain_total = rain.0:122.OSPCR800Packet

# Bresser 5in1 (new format)
windSpeed = wind_speed.541070586.Bresser6in1Packet
windGust = gust_speed.541070586.Bresser6in1Packet
windDir = wind_dir_deg.541070586.Bresser6in1Packet
outTemp = temperature_C.541070586.Bresser6in1Packet
outHumidity = humidity.541070586.Bresser6in1Packet
pressure = pressure.541070586.Bresser6in1Packet

rain = rain_total

Finishing Up

Finally, the default web page does not autorefresh. To make it easier to reload the page I made the station name in the masthead into a link to auto refresh script. Its like old school tapping a barometer to see if the pressure is falling. Although a lot can be configured through weewx.conf, this change has to be made in the skin. The default is located in /etc/weewx/skins/Seasons. The page index.html.tmpl calls to build the masthead. Wrapping a <a> element with some javascript around the relevant div gives the wanted effect:

<div id="title_bar">

<a HREF="javascript:history.go(0)">
<div id="title">
<h1 class="page_title">$station.location</h1>
<p class="lastupdate">$current.dateTime</p>

Setting up a headless Raspberry Pi.

I’m using a Pi Zero. These instructions show how to set it up without needing to connect a monitor or keyboard.

Configure the RPI

      1. On a Windows PC, use the RP imager software to format the SD card and burn an image. This will create two partitions on the card. One (called ‘Recovery’) can be browsed with Windows. The second partition cant be read with Windows. Leave it alone.
      2. On Windows, using Notepad++, create a “wpa_supplicant.conf” file. This contains details of your WiFi network. It should be saved as a Unix file and copied to the root folder of the Recovery partition.
          ssid="my network name"
          psk="my network password"
      3. Create an empty file called “ssh.txt” and copy this to the root folder of the Recovery partition. This is a security precaution and tells the RP to enable SSH when it boots. Its not normally enabled as doing so without a password is a security risk.
      4. On your PC install ‘Putty’. This is a simple GUI that gives command line access to the RP and allows setup to continue.:
      5. Install the SD card in the Raspberry Pi and then, on your Windows box, use a browser to connect to your router and the IP address for the Pi.
      6. Start Putty and connect to the Raspberry Pi via SSH:
      7. A console window will open with the Raspberry Pi. Login – the default username/password is pi/raspberry. You will change this in a few minutes.

Editing system files on the  RPi

Putty will give you a quick and easy command line tool and you can use an editor like nano or vi, its much easier with a GUI editor. My preferred tool is to run Notepad++ with the NppFTP plugin. This gives you a tree view of the file system. Double click a file and it gets transferred to your workstation and opened in the editor. When you save it, it gets copied to the RPI ready to test via Putty’s console window.

    1. There is only one gotcha, the file protection some of the files you install may prevent you editing them as they may be owned by root, rather than yourself. Use sudo chmod o+w to make them editable. In the case of Weewx you can recurse the file system using find to fix all relevant files. This should do the trick. It only needs to be done once.
      sudo su
      find /etc/weewx -exec chmod o+w {} \;
      find /var/www/html -exec chmod o+w {} \;

      GUI interface

    2. If you prefer, you can use a GUI interface to the RPi desktop.
      1. On your PC install Real VNC Viewer from:
      2. Open a console window via Putty. Once logged on type: sudo raspi-config. This starts a simple menu system. Under ‘Interfaces’ enable VNC.
      3. You can now reboot the Raspberry Pi and connect via VNC to get a graphical interface. When you connect for the first time you will be prompted to change the password. I also change the screen resolution to 1280 x 720 and create a menu entry for the Geany editor running as admin:



Hi, I’m Rob and in this post I will be blowing off about wordprocessors. Many users spend most of their life staring at a wordprocessor screen, either to read or to create documents. Its important that the text looks good on screen as well as in print. over the past [too many years to mention] I must have become friends with several dozen word processors and text editors, I have even tried to write a few. When I had to rebuild my PC I decided to try and break the mold. I wanted to try some of the free offerings before parting with hard cash for the latest $MS offering. I am not alone. Many years ago Sun Microsystems (then one of the world’s largest computer manufacturers) decided that rather than pay Mr Gates for a site licence for MS Word, it would be cheaper to put some of its many programmers to work to write their own wordprocessor. They started work back in 1995 with Star Office and, to let Mr Gates know what they thought of him, they released it for free as Open Office. So, 25 years on how well does open office stand up MS Word. I’m not talking about how many unused features it hasbut is it really a serious contender for run of the mill documents. Is there really any point in shelling out hundreds of pounds for Microsoft Office when there is functional equavalent available for free. Obviously 25 years is a long time for either party to improve a product but with all that cash MS have the edge in how much development effort they put in to develop the product. For many users, what we had 25 years ago was fine. We dont really need all the additional bloat.

Open Office has gone through a number of incarnations since it was born. Today (January 2020) the two main branches are Apache Open Office version 4.1.7 and Libre Office 6.3.4. Enthusiasts on the web will advise that Libre office is much better because it gets more updates. I’m not convinced. If its that good why does it need so many updates? One tangible difference is that Libre office claims to be more compaitible with MS Word because it can save as .docx files. Dig a little deeper and you wil find many .docx files can be opened with Apache Office and very few documents need the features the docx format allows. The real issue is how well does it deal with advanced features like headers, footers, floating pictures, and embedded diagrams. If you are interested in long, complex documents like trying to write a book, you are best advied to steer clear of Microsoft Word and docx format in the first place! Trying to control pagination and picture placement in Word will likely drive you mad.

First up lets see how Libre Office and MS Word shape up on a simple document. Here is some text written in both Liberation serif and Liberation san-serif. I chose Liberation font family because its the default for Libre office. I have cropped the page to make sure you see it at 100%:

It’s not a pretty sight. The letter spacing is all uneven. In the heading row of both fonts the first two characters of the word ‘Libre’ are wrong. There is far too much gap between the ‘L’ and the ‘i’ and the ‘i’ is pressed hard against the ‘b’. This happens in both the Serif and san-serif variants. In the second line of the serif version, look at the word ‘magna’. The gap between the ‘m’ and the ‘a’ is too large and the ‘a’ is forced up against the ‘g’. Likewise, towards the end of the second line the word ‘ullamco’ could almost be two words. Its not. Its just the spacing between the ‘m’ and ‘c’ is too large.

Im not very familiar with the Liberation font. Perhaps there is a problem with the font on my setup. The exact details of how a font get rendered to the screen are very complex. I will make a more detailed investigation in a later post. For now lets compare how Libre Office and MS Word 2010 handle the Liberation font:

Comparison of font renderinmg bwteeen Libre Office and MS Word 2010.

It should be immediately obvious the letter spacing is much more even in Word than Libre Office. The problems in the words ‘magna’ and ‘ullamco’ are resolved and I cant see any obvious problems.

So it looks like Libre Office and the Liberation font don’t rest well together. Now lets look at what happens when we use Cambria and Calibri. These fonts were designed by Microsoft especially for use with flat screeen displays and optimised for use with Microsoft’s font rendering system. First I compare Liberation Serif and Cambria in Libre office. Again I crop the image so you can see it at 100%. To my mind Libre Office does an acceptable job although Word is still the clear winner.

Comparison of font rendering between Libre Office and MS Word.

So far its looking as if Libre office is acceptable provided you dont use the Libration fonts. Now lets look at Apache Open Office. Libre office was forked from Open Office back in 2010. Since then Open Office became Apache office which is still under active development. Lets look at how that performs. Interestingly Open Office uses Times New Roman as its default font. This is one of the origial Microsoft fonts dating back to the dark days of 16bit Windows 3.1. Although it has had a numbert of updates, Cambria and Calibri are specifically designes for use with flat panel displays and so that is what I will test here:

Comparson of font renedering in Apache Open Office 4.1.7

For some reason, AOO renders the Liberation fonts better than Libre Office. Without doing a lot more research its hard to say why. I assume there are good reasons for Libre Office to have changed the font rendering code. It looks like their regression testing has failed to pick up these issues. One thing I noticed while researching this article is that the character pairs that have bad layout depend on the details of the characters that preceed them. It looks like some form of cumulative rounding errors in how the type is rendered. I will look at this in more detail in another post.

Conclusion: If you want to use Libre Office, use Calibri and Cambria fonts. Avoid the Liberation font. At time of writing it’s on screen appearance is terrible.

One point I should mention is that the above comments only apply to documenst rendered in the word processor. Use Libre Office to create a document in the Liberation font and ‘print’ to a pdf or paper and it looks fine.


I did a lot of follow up work on this including downloading the source code and compiling it. The problem appears to be that internally Libre Office uses integer pixel positions when calculating how to position individual letters on the screen. While this may have been acceptable back in the days before flat screens and Cleartype, it is totally inadiquate for todays displays. Unfortunately the fix will require a very major rewrite of the graphics subsystem so dont expect a fix any time soon. Fortunately the problem is limited to the screen display. Printed output appears much better. You also generate decent quality PDF output. If it annoys you, best plan is to use Calibri and Cambria fonts that are optimised for Cleartype. Another option is a 4K screen, but that is a bit expensive .